Friday, February 22, 2008

Valentine's Day 2008

The three Munchkins! I think it was a little early to take a picture they all look half asleep but I of course have to capture these moments right!

Here is Peyton and Parker seperating all there treats from Valentine's Day. They are both at the age that Valentine's Day is still so much fun. Parker is my little budman, he still loves the holidays and something tells me he still believes in the tooth fairy. Or maybe it's just because if he doesn't believe he won't get the money...ha ha! I am grateful that my children stayed children longer and didn't grow up too fast!!

Here is Miss Peyton with her favorite pal, "CURIOUS GEORGE". Okay Mrs. Phillips (Mia), I am sorry we finally got rid of the blankie at school and now we have a new friend! Thanks for being so understanding and such a wonderful preschool teacher and friend. You and Miss Whitis are the best!